I've never been one to blog much, but today i decided that maybe its a good idea to put my ideas and thoughts about things in life down somewhere rather than keeping them bottled up inside. I think expressing idea's about things is always good, whether it be Music, partying, raving, producing, dj'ing, friends, strange looking folk at Wal-Mart etc.. its always good to show that you do think about things. And i think about way to much to just have it sit in my head and slowly blossom into insanity over time.
I've been producing music now for something like...7 months, not very long. I've always been fascinated by music my whole life. It wasn't until about 3 or 4 years ago that i got into the electronic scene. I hadn't really opened my eyes to it until then. As a kid i would listen to "2 Unlimited" and old school techno like that. Twilight Zone i remember being a big hit at the time..lol. At some point i heard the song "Blue [Da ba di]" By Eifle 65 and at the time...i was actually obsessed with it. Listening back to it now i just laugh and wonder how i was so into it.
Somewhere along the way i caught ear of Benny's song "Satisfaction" i dont remember where either i just know i loved it and thats kinda where things took off. My iTunes library started gaining numbers with all of his stuff, and random hits like "Sandstorm" and i also remember (and still do) listening to a lot of ATB. During this time i was heavily into...believe it or not Metal, people always found it strange that i could be listening to "Bring Me The Horizon" and "Lamb Of God" then randomly switch over to like "Ecstasy" by ATB. I also remember during this time in my area, Electronic music stereotypes being just bashed like crazy, walking down the halls and anyone you heard with a kick drum being expelled from the headphones was called a Nerd or some lame cheesy Un Original chirp like that.
Sometime around like 2007 i was starting to get into the whole Rave thing...a best friend of mine and i would throw little parties, and typically i loved black lights haha...alot. This is where this little thing started where my buddy and i would show each other songs we figured the opposite had never heard, and this was always a sick way to be introduced to new stuff. I started constantly searching for new and amazing songs and artists.
Of Coarse i quickly stumbled across one Dj that from discovery until this very days has changed my life. Tiesto. I instantly loved everything of his and i gained this instant love for the "Trance" Genre, it threw me into this new amazing world, Trance really gives flight to the imagination and i find it strange that its not bigger in this area. I wanted to get everything he ever produced in my Library. I always seemed to stick to this main circle of Dj's and Producers until i met another amazing friend last summer actually...well summer of 2009. This person started showing me all this new stuff i had never really heard much of, the genre that stuck out the most was Electro House. I went on this huge electro bender! i couldn't seem to get enough of it. It was always so energizing and pumped me up, and made me happy all day. I ended up basically just partying like crazy over this next year and not much has changed in that area haha but there was another major influence that would occur several months later.
Toward the end of the summer of 2009 i caught wind that an artist named "deadmau5" was going to be playing in Wasaga beach in the next few weeks. As 99% of people that see the word "deadmau5" i thought to myself "wtf is dead mau five?" I youtube and looked up all his current music at the time and instantly loved almost all of it, and was stoked to go and see him. Little did i know this would be the most life altering show i would ever go to so far.
Seeing deadmau5 really really got the ball rolling and this is when i had this little epiphany that i was into this music DEEP. The euphoria achieved from this show and music over all was unfathomable.
I wanted to know how to make it, and make my own. So i started using this program i always heard about called "Fl Studio" At first i was completely lost as most people would be opening this thing. But i knew this is what i wanted to do and i forced myself to get to know wtf i was doing, and gain knowledge in musical production. It basically snowballed from there and it was around this time where i really started surrounding myself with more and more amazing people, and musical essence. Most notable being my friends in Toronto :) you know who you are! i love you all. The push and motivation from friends and the odd family member over this period of time would be my biggest drive to the spot im at now, and will continue to do what i love, and thats why i have promised myself first and foremost and everyone around me that cares. I wanted everyone to feel that euphoric feeling that i get every time i listen to a favorite track, without, or especially with friends, family, at shows etc.., its an unexplainable feeling words can never describe so ill express it through music...Thats my story.